WS2: Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) - restoration and maintenance
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) - restoration and maintenance item.
How much will be paid
£275 per hectare (ha)
Where to use this supplement
It’s available for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier on whole or part parcels where ancient woodland has been identified.
The parcel can be identified on Natural England’s Ancient Woodland inventory, as a parcel with the status ‘PAWS’, or on the Magic map system as ‘Ancient Replanted Woodland’.
This is to maintain the restoration of PAWS where tree felling work is selected under your woodland management plan. Ancient woodland is defined by land parcels that have ancient woodland identified on Natural England’s Ancient Woodland Inventory.
If you include this as part of your Higher Tier application, the Forestry Commission will assess your application for this option before you are offered an agreement.
How this supplement will benefit the environment
Effective use of this supplement will help restore plantations on ancient woodland sites to:
- make sure the existing native component of the canopy is being maintained and, in most situations, increased aiming for at least 80% native species
- be resilient and able to adapt to climate change
- safeguard and enhance the public benefits provided by ancient woodland
- address and mitigate threats to the woodland resource
Restore and maintain plantations on ancient woodlands sites.
Prohibited activities
If there is a recognisable surviving semi-natural ground flora, for example wild herbs, grasses, ferns and mosses do not use any herbicides.
- Keep all newly planted trees or natural regeneration free from competing vegetation for 5 years (throughout the duration of your Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier Agreement) by using approved manual methods for example, mulch, or a clearing saw, hook or scythe
- Replace any trees that die
- Use enrichment planting if natural colonisation fails
- If not already identified as mandatory under WD2, complete an Operational Site Assessment (OSA) by year 1 of your Agreement. See Manage and protect woodland wildlife for an example of a Forestry Commission Operational Site Assessment
Keeping records
You must keep the following records and supply them on request:
- any bank statements, receipted invoices, consents, or permissions connected with the work
- records of all management activity on the option area for each parcel, including an OSA, or similar, to show UKFS compliant operational activities
Additional guidance and advice
Practice Guide: Choosing stand management methods for restoring planted ancient woodland sites.
Our policy on ancient woodlands: Keepers of time: ancient and native woodland and trees policy in England.
Further information
Read Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage to find out more information about Higher Tier including how to apply.
Updates to this page
Update to How Much Is Paid
The 'Where to use this item' section of this supplement has been updated to explain the parcel can be identified on Natural England’s ancient woodland inventory, as a parcel with the status ‘PAWS’, or on the Magic map system as ‘Ancient Replanted Woodland’.
Requirements section updated to include: * Replace any trees that die * Use enrichment panting if natural colonisation fails
Update to 'Where to use this supplement' section - If you include this as part of your Higher Tier application, the Forestry Commission will assess your application for this option before you are offered an agreement.
First published.