About us

We are responsible for the administration of criminal, civil and family courts in England and Wales, as well as the reserved unified tribunals across the United Kingdom.

We work with an independent judiciary to provide a fair, efficient and effective justice system.

Our courts

We administer the work of magistrates’ courts, County Court, Family Court, Crown Court, Royal Courts of Justice and the Rolls Building.

Royal Courts of Justice

Rolls Building

Other courts

Our tribunals

First-tier Tribunal

Upper Tribunal

Who we are

We employ around 18,500 staff and operate from locations in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Our responsibilities

Through the courts and tribunals we give people and businesses access to justice, including:

  • victims and witnesses of crime
  • defendants accused of crimes
  • consumers in debt or with other disputes
  • people involved in the adoption or protection of children
  • businesses involved in commercial disputes
  • individuals asserting their employment rights or challenging the decisions of government bodies
  • people affected by relationship breakdown

We follow the Ministry of Justice’s outcome delivery plan to deliver swift access to justice.

We’re responsible for:

  • providing the supporting administration for a fair, efficient and accessible courts and tribunal system
  • supporting an independent judiciary in the administration of justice
  • driving improvements across all aspects of the administration of the courts and tribunals
  • collaborating effectively with other justice organisations and agencies, including the legal professions, to improve access to justice
  • working with government departments and agencies to improve the quality and timeliness of their decision-making, which will reduce the number of cases coming before courts and tribunals

Corporate information

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Jobs and contracts

Read about the types of information we routinely publish in our Publication scheme. Find out about our commitment to Welsh language scheme. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information. Read our policy on Social media use.