Ethical considerations related to the inclusivity of data for research and statistics

This guidance focuses on ethical considerations related to the inclusivity of data for research and statistical projects, addressing inclusivity from the perspective of the UK Statistics Authority’s current data ethics approaches and processes.


This guidance focuses on ethical considerations related to the inclusivity of data for research and statistical projects, addressing inclusivity from the perspective of the UK Statistics Authority’s current data ethics approaches and processes. This includes the use of primary data that is collected for specific projects, as well as the secondary analysis of existing data sources, such as administrative data. It has been developed by the UK Statistics Authority’s Centre for Applied Data Ethics and complements other inclusivity initiatives within the Office for National Statistics, including addressing the recommendations report of the Inclusive Data Taskforce and work with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data as part of the Inclusive Data Charter.

The guidance has been produced as a direct response to the Inclusive Data Taskforce report and also aligns with the UK Statistics Authority’s 5-year strategy, Statistics for the public good, with the objective to ensure that the statistics we produce “reflect the experiences of everyone in our society so that everyone counts, and is counted, and no one is forgotten”.

The guidance is divided into four main parts. The first considers what we mean by inclusivity in research and statistics. The second explores the relationship between inclusivity and data ethics at the practical level. The guidance then provides some key points to consider in addressing inclusivity from an ethical perspective, and finally, the guidance provides a list of further resources and associated links that may be useful is provided.

The guidance acts as a practical resource for the research and statistical community to consider how inclusivity in data can be appropriately addressed in accordance with each of the UK Statistics Authority’s existing ethical principles. This will enable inclusivity to be fully incorporated when considering the ethics of your proposed project and when completing the UK Statistics Authority’s ethics self-assessment tool.

Ensuring that the public trust researchers and statisticians to use their data in ethically appropriate ways is vital, particularly if we are to fill identified data gaps for relevant groups and populations. Showing a clear consideration of ethical issues, and effectively addressing those issues when collecting, analysing and disseminating data, is a key aspect of facilitating trust in the research process across society.

Read the Ethical considerations related to the inclusivity of data for research and statistics

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Published 30 January 2025