GSR Ethical Assurance for Social and Behavioural Research
Guidance on the expected standards and responsibilities when designing/conducting social and behavioural research for/on-behalf of government.
Government Social Researchers generate and provide social and behavioural research and advice. This enables government to understand systems, processes and change associated with people, groups, organisations and society (their attitudes, perceptions, behaviours and intentions), and support policy debate and decision-making through a variety of approaches. Ensuring any social and behavioural research conducted on behalf of the government is done so in an ethical manner is of paramount importance.
This document outlines expected standards and responsibilities of any individual who designs and conducts social and behavioural research for or on behalf of government. These are outlined in the six ethical principles that anyone commissioning or conducting social research for government need to abide by. This guidance applies to all GSR members and anyone else conducting social research for government. The six ethical principles cover the following areas:
- Clear and defined public benefit
- Sound application, conduct and interpretation
- Data protection regulations
- Specific and informed consent
- Enabling participation
- Minimising personal and social harm
This guidance should be used alongside any other relevant ethical standards researchers and research commissioners align to, due to other professional accreditation (e.g. British Psychological Society, Health & Care Professions Council) and ethical standards used by research agencies and academics.
Individual departments are expected to uphold the principles as outlined in this document. Precise arrangements for this lie with department GSR Heads of Profession (HoPs). HoPs may wish to assign responsibility to a named individual(s) or nominated post(s).
Read the guidance on Ethical Assurance for Social and Behavioural Research