Defend your intellectual property

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Use a mediator

You can use a mediator if you cannot come to an agreement over an intellectual property (IP) dispute.

Mediation can be used in most IP disputes. This includes disputes about:

  • trade marks
  • copyright
  • designs
  • patents

Mediation is a way of resolving disputes without going to court. It’s cheaper and quicker than taking legal action and the outcome is usually beneficial to all parties.

Mediators provide an independent view on a dispute. They cannot make a decision for you, but they can help to find a solution that both parties accept.

Discussions with a mediator are confidential and cannot be used in court later if the dispute is not resolved.

IPO mediation service

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has its own mediation service.

What you will pay for mediation depends on the type and length of mediation session.

Read guidance on IPO’s mediation service, including information on fees.

IPO mediation service
Telephone: 0300 300 2000
Find out about call charges

Other mediators you can use

You can also use the: