Factors influencing the large-scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies

Enabling and/or limiting factors that have been found to influence the large scale uptake of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies


The main objective of this systematic review was to describe and assess the importance of different enabling and/or limiting factors that have been found to influence the large scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies. These comprise five intervention areas: ICS and four clean fuels, i.e. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), biogas, solar cookers and alcohol fuels.

More specifically, the systematic review: (i) provides a framework consisting of seven domains of factors influencing large-scale uptake, distinguishing between short-term adoption and longer-term sustained use; (ii) gives a summary of existing knowledge relating to each of these domains, including interpretation of data with respect to equity; (iii) outlines a proposal for a tool to facilitate implementation of these findings in programme planning, and (iv) sets an agenda for essential primary research to better understand how policies and programmes to promote cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies must be designed in order to be successful.

A 23-page Executive Summary is appended as a separate document and evidence from this review is summarised in an 8-page evidence brief


Puzzolo, E.; Stanistreet, D.; Pope, D.; Bruce, N.; Rehfuess, E. Factors influencing the large-scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK (2013) v + 294 pp. ISBN 978-1-907345-62-3

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Published 1 January 2013