Fresh Insights Number 5. Impact of EurepGAP on small-scale vegetable growers in Zambia


Zambia is not an economically viable supplier for EU wholesale or other low value markets and therefore must rely on accessing retail markets (particularly involving UK supermarkets) that demand compliance with the European retailers. private standard for Good Agricultural Practices EurepGAP as the absolute minimum for market entry.

Much of the evidence for problems with EurepGAP is anecdotal, for this reason a detailed cost-benefit analysis of EurepGAP implementation by small-scale growers is being conducted in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. In Zambia the fieldwork was conducted by NRI and IIED working in collaboration with the NRDC-ZEGA Training Trust (NZTT). The overall objective was to identify, quantify and assess the range of costs and benefits associated with compliance with the EurepGAP standard in order to design policies for donors and standards-setters that are pro-poor and sustainable.

A shorter 2-page brief of this paper is available Fresh Perspectives Issue 3. Impact of EurepGAP on small-scale vegetable growers in Zambia


International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK, ii + 54 pp.

Fresh Insights Number 5. Impact of EurepGAP on small-scale vegetable growers in Zambia

Published 1 January 2007