Innovation Transfer Programmes and Quantifiable Development Outcomes

Report on the Indian Innovation for Global Development programme.


Following the successful pilot programme on innovation transfer, Global INVENT, DFID India commissioned a rapid review to look for and report upon 19 key development outcome indicators in its target countries within Africa and South Asia as a direct result of innovation from India to support its new ‘Indian Innovation for Global Development’ (IIGD) programme. The IIGD aims to promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within Africa and South Asia through the transfer of inclusive Indian innovations with a focus on agriculture, health, water, sanitation, clean energy and finance – with a particular emphasis on working with women and disabled persons. IIGD will offer technical assistance, investment, capital grants and grants to fund the transfer and scaling up of innovations by both civil society organisations (CSOs) and the Indian private sector, with a particular interest in climate sensitive innovations.

This document is based on a rapid desk-based review of published programme evaluation reports and literature, and extensive internet research, including of organisational and governmental department websites. A detailed analysis of quantifiable data found aggregated by the instrument used (i.e. Technical Assistance, Investments, Grants, etc.) was planned. However due to the virtually non-existent quantifiable data found relating to innovation transfer between India and the target countries, this was not possible and so no evidence-based conclusions have been drawn in this regard.

K4D helpdesk reports provide summaries of current research, evidence and lessons learned. This report was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development.


McIntyre-Pantz, R. (2019). Innovation transfer programmes and quantifiable development outcomes. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.

Innovation Transfer Programmes and Quantifiable Development Outcomes

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Published 21 June 2019