Interactions between improved rural access infrastructure and transport service provision (IMPARTS), Phase 1 Scoping Report

This report discusses key planning factors for infrastructure provision, preservation and transport services


This report discusses key planning factors for infrastructure provision, preservation and transport services. Issues of old, overloaded vehicles and motorcycle taxis are discussed. Evidence shows many beneficial transport effects of road investments. Examples are discussed of unexplained changes in traffic and mobility patterns. A stakeholder workshop in Arusha, attended by 39 participants from 12 ReCAP countries, endorsed more integrated approaches. Roads authorities should seek to understand Rural Transport Services (RTS) issues and use RTS-related outcome indicators in planning. Phase 2/3 research activities are proposed, with detailed surveys on roads with good ‘before-intervention’ datasets. For efficiency, Phase 3 RTS consultations will start immediately. An important Phase 2/3 output will be guidelines on developing integrated provision-preservation-services continuum approaches, including necessary RTS datasets and strategies for improving RTS.

This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)


Starkey, P. et al, TRL (2019). Interactions between improved rural access infrastructure and transport service provision, Phase 1 Scoping Report. London: ReCAP for DFID.

Interactions between improved rural access infrastructure and transport service provision (IMPARTS), Phase 1 Scoping Report

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Published 30 April 2019