Policy dissonance in enterprise development programming in Sri Lanka

This paper analyses the policy formulas, framings and assumptions in enterprise development policy in post-war Sri Lanka


Since the turn of the century, there have been a series of deliberate policy attempts by Sri Lanka’s government to exploit the potential of and promote the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector.

SMEs are seen as the ‘solution’ to a range of post-war development challenges the country is facing. In a market economy where the state plays a minimum role in regulating the market, they are being advocated as a way to alleviate poverty, promote regional economic development and generate employment. However, clear analysis is lacking on the impact of these enterprise development programmes in Sri Lanka and their ability to achieve the expected results, especially in directly war-affected areas.

Through a qualitative in-depth analysis of 28 micro- and small-enterprises (MSEs) in the war-affected Batticaloa and Trincomalee districts, and of policy documents related to the sector, this working paper analyses the dissonance between the expectations and experiences of those who engage in enterprises, and the policy formulas, framings and assumptions in enterprise development policy in post-war Sri Lanka.

This research is part of the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) programme


Lokuge, G. Senn, A. and Ranawana, A. (2019) Policy dissonance in enterprise development programming in Sri Lanka. Working paper. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.

Policy dissonance in enterprise development programming in Sri Lanka

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Published 1 March 2019