Powering the Health Sector – Annex A - Literature Review


Secondary data from academic and development reports and project and programme evaluations was reviewed to try to establish the evidence base on the health impacts of reliable sources of electricity. The initial focus of the search was on the identification of outputs of service provision in the health facility where the energy has been provided. The assumption underpinning this choice is that the provision of power to the health care centre will immediately increase uptake for, and availability of, services with extended hours of operation.

The study did not look at other non-electricity energy requirements at health facilities such as energy for heating, hot water and cooking nor the potential for reduction in demands from energy efficient demand. In addition since the study focussed on the health impacts of providing electricity, the technical aspects, the operation and maintenance of any system and the cost benefits due to technology choice have not been reviewed.


GVEP International. Powering the Health Sector – Annex A - Literature Review. GVEP International, London, UK (2013) 31 pp.

Powering the Health Sector – Annex A - Literature Review

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Published 1 January 2013