Research Summary 26, A thoroughly modern resource curse: The new natural resource policy agenda and the mining revival in Peru, IDS Working Paper No. 300


Recent experience from Peru shows how standard remedies for mitigating the resource curse can backfire when they take insufficient account of local context and political dynamics. This paper discusses how, given the particular local context and political dynamics operating in Peru, the problems of the resource curse have in part been relocated to subnational levels.

This is a two-page summary of a paper which can be accessed in full on this page.


Arellano-Yanguas, J. Research Summary 26, A thoroughly modern resource curse: The new natural resource policy agenda and the mining revival in Peru, IDS Working Paper No. 300. (2008) 2 pp.

Research Summary 26, A thoroughly modern resource curse: The new natural resource policy agenda and the mining revival in Peru, IDS Working Paper No. 300

Published 1 January 2008