The emergency response to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Daru, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, 2014–2017

Programmatic interventions for TB and evaluates characteristics of TB case notifications, drug resistance and treatment outcomes



A response to an outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) on Daru Island, South Fly District (SFD), Western Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG) was implemented by a national emergency response taskforce.


To describe programmatic interventions for TB in SFD and evaluate characteristics of TB case notifications, drug resistance and treatment outcomes.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Morris L, Hiasihri S, Chan G, Honjepari A, Tugo O, Taune M, Aia P, Dakulala P, Majumdar SS. The emergency response to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Daru, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, 2014–2017. Public Health Action. 2019;9(1):S4–11.

The emergency response to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Daru, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, 2014–2017

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Published 21 August 2019