The political economy of human resource and payroll management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This paper focuses on the management of human resources and the public wage system.


The Congolese administration is often depicted as a basket case of corruption and malpractice. However, not much has been written from an empirical perspective on the underlying practices of bureaucratic governance at the central level. This paper aims to fill this gap by focusing on the management of human resources and the public wage system.

It provides an in-depth account of how the expenditure chain functions with wage payment. It considers the political and financial stakes around the wage bill, particularly: political patronage through recruitment; clientelist arrangements within payroll management; and ghost workers, leakages and remunerations embezzlement.

This research is part of the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) programme


Moshanos, S. (2019) The political economy of human resource and payroll management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Working paper. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.

The political economy of human resource and payroll management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Published 6 March 2019