The role of environment in increasing growth and reducing poverty in Uganda. Summary Report: Final


The Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) revision provides an opportunity to consider the linkage of environment and natural resources (ENR) and poverty-reducing growth. This link with poverty reduction rests on the vital role of ENR in GDP, the ability of GDP growth to reach the poor, and the need for sustainable growth. DFID funded a short study to produce summary and technical papers for the PEAP sub-committee and the ENR sector working group. The study aimed to contribute to the PEAP revision process by highlighting how a fuller consideration of how improved ENR management can maintain, enhance and minimise risks associated with the delivery of core PEAP objectives, especially economic growth. Conversely it shows how failure to consider these issues significantly diminishes the likelihood of achieving PEAP targets in the medium to long term.

The primary purpose of this document is to provide concise policy conclusions and recommendations with a summary of supporting evidence - which is discussed in depth in the Technical Report. References to reports and research mentioned in this summary can also be found in the Technical Report. In this document priority areas for future research beyond the current PEAP revision timeframe are identified.

The structure of this report is as follows. It begins by setting out the evidence for the economic importance of the ENR sector and continues with a summary of key policy recommendations. The subsequent sections explain the context to these recommendations and unpack them in terms of the four pillars of the PEAP. Many of the proposed actions will have benefits across pillars and achieving them will require a coordinated response rather than a narrow focus on a sole PEAP pillar.


Yaron, G.; Moyini, Y.; Wasike, D.; Kabi, M.; Barungi, M. The role of environment in increasing growth and reducing poverty in Uganda. Summary Report: Final. GY Associates, Harpenden, UK (2004) 17 pp.

The role of environment in increasing growth and reducing poverty in Uganda. Summary Report: Final

Published 1 January 2004