Working Paper C7. Migration and Pro-Poor Policy in East Africa.
This paper reports on the findings of a survey conducted by the Sussex Centre for Migration Research on migration and pro-poor policy in East Africa. The survey covered existing literature, and discussions with DFID country offices across the continent, and was conducted in early 2004. The paper is complemented by three separate papers, on Africa in general, West and Southern Africa, which are published separately by the Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, and together by the Department for International Development. After a chapter on region-wide issues, separate chapters deal with Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. For each country, topics discussed include: the importance of migration to the poor; international migration and the 'brain drain'; migration policies; and key issues and policy gaps.
Country Background Paper, WP-C7, Sussex, UK, DRC on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, 53 pp.