If you cannot pay your tax bill on time

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If you do not contact HMRC or refuse to pay

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will always try to contact you if you miss a tax payment. This can include sending you letters, texts and visiting you at home or at work.

If you do not get in contact with HMRC or cannot agree an instalment plan then HMRC may:

  • ask a debt collection agency to collect the money
  • collect what you owe directly from your wages or any monthly pension payments you get
  • take things you own and sell them (if you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland)
  • take money directly from your bank account or building society savings (if you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland)
  • take you to court
  • make you bankrupt
  • close down your company if the tax is a business tax

Any costs, like auction fees, are normally added to your debt. HMRC will tell you before taking any of these actions and will explain your rights, costs and options.

Read more about actions HMRC can take to recover tax.