Diffuse mesothelioma payments
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1. Overview
You may be able to get a payment if you’ve been diagnosed with the asbestos-related disease, diffuse mesothelioma.
There are 2 types of payment you can claim for:
- diffuse mesothelioma payments (the ‘2008 scheme’)
- the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS)
You can claim DMPS if you cannot find the employer responsible for your contact with asbestos, or their insurer.
This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).
2. What you'll get
The 2008 scheme
You’ll get one payment.
The amount you’ll get depends on how old you were when your disease was diagnosed. For example, if you were 60 when your disease was diagnosed, and you qualify, you’ll get a payment of £53,670.
Aged 40 and under
Age when diagnosed | Payment |
37 and under | £114,210 |
38 | £111,989 |
39 | £109,774 |
40 | £107,558 |
Aged 41 to 50
Age when diagnosed | Payment |
41 | £105,337 |
42 | £103,120 |
43 | £102,015 |
44 | £100,899 |
45 | £99,794 |
46 | £98,684 |
47 | £97,575 |
48 | £94,476 |
49 | £91,373 |
50 | £88,262 |
Aged 51 to 60
Age when diagnosed | Payment |
51 | £85,162 |
52 | £82,048 |
53 | £79,833 |
54 | £77,619 |
55 | £75,406 |
56 | £73,177 |
57 | £70,960 |
58 | £65,197 |
59 | £59,428 |
60 | £53,670 |
Aged 61 to 70
Age when diagnosed | Payment |
61 | £47,902 |
62 | £42,137 |
63 | £38,588 |
64 | £35,035 |
65 | £31,493 |
66 | £27,943 |
67 | £24,395 |
68 | £23,672 |
69 | £22,947 |
70 | £22,234 |
Aged 71 and over
Age when diagnosed | Payment |
71 | £21,513 |
72 | £20,795 |
73 | £20,181 |
74 | £19,556 |
75 | £18,957 |
76 | £18,356 |
77 and over | £17,745 |
Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS)
Your payment will depend on the details of your claim. Read about payment amounts on the DMPS website.
3. Eligibility
The 2008 scheme
You can claim a one-off payment if you:
- are not entitled to a payment under the 1979 Pneumoconiosis Act
- have not been given a payment for the disease from an employer, a civil claim or elsewhere
- are not entitled to compensation from a Ministry of Defence scheme
You must have been exposed to asbestos in the United Kingdom.
Examples of exposure include:
- you came into contact with asbestos from a relative, for instance by washing their clothes
- you were exposed to asbestos in the environment, for instance you lived near a factory using asbestos
- you were exposed to asbestos while self-employed
- your exposure cannot be specified but it occurred in the United Kingdom
You must claim within 12 months of diagnosis.
Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS)
You may be able to claim if all of the following apply:
- you were diagnosed with diffuse mesothelioma on or after 25 July 2012
- your mesothelioma was caused by exposure to asbestos when working in the UK
- you cannot trace the employer that exposed you to asbestos, or their insurers
- you have not made a civil claim against any employer or insurer
- you have not received damages or a specified payment for mesothelioma and you’re not eligible to a specified payment
You may also be able to claim if you were the dependant of a sufferer who has died.
You can claim for DMPS even if you have already claimed from the 2008 scheme or under the 1979 Pneumoconiosis Act. If you’ve already got a payment from the 2008 scheme or the Pneumoconiosis Act, it will be deducted from the amount you get from DMPS.
You may still be able to claim from the 2008 scheme even if you are unsuccessful in your DMPS claim.
Claims through the DMPS scheme must be made within 3 years of diagnosis.
4. Payments for dependants
The 2008 scheme
You may be able to claim if you were the dependant of a sufferer who has died. You must claim within 12 months of their death.
Contact the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) helpline to find out if you’re eligible.
IIDB Helpline
Telephone: 0800 279 2322
Textphone: 0800 169 0314
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 121 8379
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer - find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Find out about call charges
If you qualify, you’ll get one payment. The amount will depend on how old the person with mesothelioma was when they died. For example, if they were 60 when they died, and you qualify, you’ll get a payment of £23,233.
Aged 40 and under
Age when the person died | Payment |
37 and under | £59,436 |
38 | £58,159 |
39 | £56,884 |
40 | £55,609 |
Aged 41 to 50
Age when the person died | Payment |
41 | £54,334 |
42 | £53,060 |
43 | £51,839 |
44 | £50,608 |
45 | £49,396 |
46 | £48,177 |
47 | £46,960 |
48 | £45,464 |
49 | £43,963 |
50 | £42,468 |
Aged 51 to 60
Age when the person died | Payment |
51 | £40,976 |
52 | £39,479 |
53 | £38,253 |
54 | £37,038 |
55 | £35,818 |
56 | £34,590 |
57 | £33,374 |
58 | £29,999 |
59 | £26,611 |
60 | £23,233 |
Aged 61 and over
Age when the person died | Payment |
61 | £19,850 |
62 | £16,463 |
63 | £15,497 |
64 | £14,538 |
65 | £13,554 |
66 | £12,586 |
67 and over | £9,840 |
Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS)
Your payment will depend on the details of your claim. Read about payment amounts on the DMPS website.
5. How to claim
The 2008 scheme
Fill in a mesothelioma payment claim form and provide medical evidence.
Contact the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) helpline if you cannot print out a form and you need one sent to you.
IIDB Helpline
Telephone: 0800 279 2322
Textphone: 0800 169 0314
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 121 8379
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer - find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Find out about call charges
Barnsley IIDB Centre
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 1SY
Alternative formats
Contact the IIDB helpline to ask for alternative formats, such as braille, large print or audio CD.
You must claim within 12 months of diagnosis. If you’re a dependant claiming for a sufferer who is now deceased, you must claim within 12 months from the date of their death.
Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS)
You can apply online at the DMPS website.
You’ll need:
- your National Insurance number
- your full employment history, with evidence - for example, P60s
- evidence of unsuccessful attempts to trace your employer or insurers
- the date of your diagnosis
- evidence of diagnosis
- details of any previous claims
- a witness statement
Contact TopMark for more information on the DMPS and how to apply.
Telephone: 0330 058 3930
Find out about call charges
TopMark Claims Management
160 Bath Street
If you disagree with a decision
You can challenge a decision about your claim. This is called asking for a mandatory review.
If you’re unhappy with the outcome of the mandatory review, you can appeal to to the Social Security and Child Support Tribunal. The tribunal is impartial and independent of government.
Appeal to the tribunal within one month of getting the mandatory review decision. If you submit your appeal after a month you’ll have to explain why you did not do it earlier.
Download and fill in form SSCS6a and send it to the address on the form.
You’ll need to choose whether you want to go to the tribunal hearing to explain your case. If you do not attend, your appeal will be decided on your appeal form and any supporting evidence.
After you submit your appeal, you can provide evidence. Your appeal and the evidence will be discussed at a hearing by a judge and one or two experts. The judge will then make a decision.
It usually takes around 6 months for your appeal to be heard by the tribunal.