Discrimination: your rights
Discrimination at work
The law protects you against discrimination at work, including:
- dismissal
- employment terms and conditions
- pay and benefits
- promotion and transfer opportunities
- training
- recruitment
- redundancy
Some forms of discrimination are only allowed if they’re needed for the way the organisation works, for example:
- a Roman Catholic school restricting applications for admission of pupils to Catholics only
- employing only women in a health centre for Muslim women
If you’re disabled you have the same rights as other workers. Employers should also make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to help disabled employees and job applicants with:
- application forms, for example providing forms in Braille or audio formats
- aptitude tests, for example giving extra time to complete the tests
- dismissal or redundancy
- discipline and grievances
- interview arrangements, such as providing wheelchair access, communicator support
- making sure the workplace has the right facilities and equipment for disabled workers or someone offered a job
- promotion, transfer and training opportunities
- terms of employment, including pay
- work-related benefits like access to recreation or refreshment facilities
What you can do
If you’re discriminated against at work there are ways to deal with it.
Employers have to follow the law on preventing discrimination at work.
Other types of unfair treatment
You’re also protected from being treated unfairly because of:
- trade union membership or non-membership
- being a fixed-term or part-time worker