Displaying number plates

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Flags, identifiers and stickers

You can display one of the following flags with identifying letters on the left-hand side of the number plate:

  • Union flag (also known as the Union Jack)
  • Cross of St George
  • Cross of St Andrew - also known as the Saltire
  • Red Dragon of Wales

The letters, or national identifiers, you can have are:

  • UNITED KINGDOM, United Kingdom or UK
  • GREAT BRITAIN, Great Britain or GB
  • CYMRU, Cymru, CYM or Cym
  • ENGLAND, England, ENG, Eng
  • SCOTLAND, Scotland, SCO or Sco
  • WALES or Wales

The flag must be above the identifier. You cannot have the flag or letters on the number plate margin, and neither can be more than 50 millimetres wide.

Stickers for driving outside the UK

You may need to display a white oval UK sticker on the rear of your vehicle when driving outside the UK. This depends on your number plate and where you are going.

You do not need a UK sticker if your number plate has the UK identifier with the Union flag (also known as the Union Jack).

You must display a UK sticker if your number plate has any of these:

  • numbers and letters only, no flag or identifier
  • a GB identifier with the Union flag
  • a European Union flag
  • a national flag of England, Scotland or Wales

UK stickers have replaced the old white oval GB stickers. If you have a GB sticker, cover or remove it before driving outside the UK.

Do not put the sticker on your number plate.

Driving in Spain, Cyprus and Malta

You must display a UK sticker to drive in Spain, Cyprus and Malta, no matter what’s on your number plate.

Driving in the Republic of Ireland

You do not need a UK sticker to drive in Ireland no matter what’s on your number plate.