Testicular implants and inflatable vaginal stents – temporary suspension of the CE certificate

Manufactured by Coloplast A/S – temporary suspension of the CE certificate due to particles found on some implantable devices made by their subcontractor Silimed lndustria de lmplantes Ltda - MDA/2015/036


  • Do not implant affected devices
  • Quarantine devices
  • Await further advice from the manufacturer and/or MHRA
  • If patients enquire they can be reassured that this situation is being investigated as a matter of priority with our European counterparts to decide on further action. However, if they would like to be kept up to date they can register for email updates and they will be kept informed.

Deadlines for actions

Actions underway: 22 October 2015, actions complete: 29 October 2015

Device details

All batches of the following devices manufactured by Coloplast A/S are affected:

Testicular implants, product codes: PR3001, PR3002, PR3003, PR3004, PR3005

Vaginal stents – inflatable, product codes: VS3020, VS3022, VS3024, VS3026


The German medical device regulatory authority informed MHRA on Friday 18 September 2015 that a German notified body had temporarily suspended the marketing and distribution of all medical devices manufactured by Silimed lndustria de lmplantes Ltda.

A recent inspection of the manufacturing facility by the notified body identified particles on the surface of some devices. See MHRA’s alert MDA/2015/034 published on Friday 25 September 2015.

It has subsequently been established that testicular implants and vaginal stents manufactured by Coloplast A/S are made under sub-contract by Silimed lndustria de lmplantes Ltda and so are also affected by the temporary suspension.

MHRA is investigating in collaboration with other European regulators and recommends that none of these devices should be implanted until further advice is issued.

The manufacturer issued a field safety notice (FSN) dated 9 October 2015.

Manufacturer contact

Coloplast A/S
Tina Gotschalk
Holtedam 1

Telephone: +45 4911 3339

Email: vigilance@coloplast.com


If you are responsible for cascading these alerts in your organisation, these are our suggested distribution lists.

Trusts (NHS boards in Scotland)

CAS and SABS (NI) liaison officers for onward distribution to all relevant staff including:

  • Cosmetic surgeons
  • Day surgery units
  • Dermatologists
  • General surgeons
  • General surgery
  • General surgical units, directors of
  • Gynaecologists
  • Gynaecology departments
  • Gynaecology nurses
  • Medical device safety officers
  • Medical directors
  • Obstetricians
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology departments
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology directors
  • Obstetrics departments
  • Obstetrics nurses
  • Paediatric surgeons
  • Paediatric surgery, directors of
  • Plastic and reconstructive surgeons
  • Risk managers
  • Supplies managers
  • Theatre managers
  • Theatre nurses
  • Theatres
  • Urological surgeons
  • Urological surgery, directors of
  • Urology departments

Establishments registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) (England only)

  • Hospitals in the independent sector
  • Independent treatment centres
  • Private medical practitioners

Please note: CQC and OFSTED do not distribute these alerts. Independent healthcare providers and social care providers can sign up to receive MDAs directly from the Department of Health’s Central Alerting System (CAS) by sending an email to: safetyalerts@dh.gsi.gov.uk and requesting this facility.



Send enquiries about this notice to MHRA, quoting reference number MDA/2015/036 or 2015/010/009/299/003

Technical aspects

Ian Smith or Bayode Adisa

Telephone: 020 3080 7306 / 7723

Email: ian.smith@mhra.gsi.gov.uk or bayode.adisa@mhra.gsi.gov.uk

Clinical aspects

Dr S Jagdish

Telephone: 020 3080 7187

Email: soundararajan.jagdish@mhra.gsi.gov.uk

Reporting adverse incidents in England

Through Yellow Card

Northern Ireland

Alerts in Northern Ireland are distributed via the NI SABS system.

Enquiries and adverse incident reports in Northern Ireland should be addressed to:

Northern Ireland Adverse Incident Centre
CMO Group,
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

Telephone: 028 9052 3868

Fax: 028 9052 3900

Email: NIAIC@dhsspsni.gov.uk

Northern Ireland Adverse Incident Centre (NIAIC)

Reporting adverse incidents in Northern Ireland

Please report directly to NIAIC using the forms on our website.


Enquiries and adverse incident reports in Scotland should be addressed to:

Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre
Health Facilities Scotland
NHS National Services Scotland

Telephone: 0131 275 7575

Fax: 0131 314 0722

Email: nss.iric@nhs.net

Reporting adverse incidents in Scotland

NHS Boards and Local Authorities in Scotland – report to Health Facilities Scotland.

Contractors such as private hospitals carrying out NHS work and private care homes that accept social work funded clients – report to Health Facilities Scotland.

Private facilities providing care to private clients report to the Care Inspectorate and MHRA.


Enquiries in Wales should be addressed to:

Healthcare Quality Division
Welsh Government

Telephone: 02920 823 624/02920 825 510

Email: Haz-Aic@wales.gsi.gov.uk

Reporting adverse incidents in Wales

Report to MHRA through Yellow Card and follow specific advice for reporting in Wales in MDA/2004/054 (Wales).

Download document

Testicular implants and inflatable vaginal stents – temporary suspension of the CE certificate MDA-2015-036

Updates to this page

Published 15 October 2015