Drug alert: recall of Gaviscon Advance Peppermint Flavour, Boots Heartburn Relief Peppermint Flavour, Peptac Peppermint Liquid, and Peptac Liquid Aniseed Flavour
Batches of this medicine are being recalled from the market because of low levels of microbial contamination.
Article date: December 2009
The following batches of medicine are being recalled from the market because of low levels of microbial contamination:
- Product: Gaviscon Advance Peppermint Flavour
- A low proportion of bottles in batch 924471 are known to be affected and batch 925071 is being recalled as a precautionary measure (although no bottles in this batch are reported defective
- Batch number(s): 924471 and 925071
- Product: Boots Heartburn Relief Peppermint Flavour
- Precautionary recall due to low-level microbial contamination detected in a small number of samples from these batches)
- Batch number(s): 41808
- Product: Peptac Peppermint Liquid
- Precautionary recall due to low-level microbial contamination detected in a small number of samples from these batches)
- Batch number(s): 41808 and 41957
- Product: Peptac Liquid Aniseed Flavour
- Precautionary recall due to low-level microbial contamination detected in a small number of samples from these batches)
- Batch number(s): 41757
All are 500 mL bottles.
The causes of the contaminations are under investigation and are unlikely to be harmful to normally healthy consumers. However, if these products are being used by patients with suppressed immune systems (eg, those receiving chemotherapy), the risk of infection and other adverse reactions cannot be ruled out. GPs or pharmacists receiving enquiries from such patients are requested to give professional advice and refer to the responsible treatment centre where necessary.
Further information is available in drug alerts issued Nov 17 and Nov 18, 2009.
Article citation: Drug Safety Update Dec 2009, vol 3 issue 5: 8a.