Drugs and driving: clarification for Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

The new offence introduced in July does not apply in Northern Ireland nor replace any existing offences of driving.

Article date: October 2014

In July we reported on a new offence of driving with certain controlled drugs above specified limits in the blood. This new offence will be enforceable in England, Wales, and Scotland1 but not Northern Ireland where the introduction of a similar offence is under consideration. 

The new offence does not replace any existing offences of driving whilst impaired by drugs, including licenced medicines.

Please continue to warn patients of any potential driving impairment caused by a medicine and the need for caution.

Further information

Information leaflet to give to patients

Guidance from the Department for Transport

Article citation: Drug Safety Update volume 8 issue 3, October 2014: O1

1. The date of enforcement depends on approval of regulations by the Scottish Parliament↩

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Published 11 December 2014