Northern Ireland Assembly

There are 90 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

To vote in Northern Ireland Assembly elections you must:

  • be registered to vote
  • be 18 or over on the day of the election (‘polling day’)
  • be registered at an address in the area you want to vote in
  • not be legally excluded from voting

You can vote if you’re a British or Irish citizen.

You can also vote if you have permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man - or you do not need permission - and you’re a:

  • Commonwealth citizen
  • citizen of Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal or Spain
  • citizen of another EU country, if you have had permission to enter or stay - or not needed permission - since 31 December 2020, and this has continued without a break

In Northern Ireland, MLAs are elected using the Single Transferable Vote system. You rank the candidates in order of preference.

Read more about the Northern Ireland Assembly elections on the Electoral Commission website.

  1. Step 1 Check if you can vote

  2. Step 2 Register to vote

    You’ll need to be registered to vote to take part in elections and referendums. You’ll need to register again if you change your name, address or nationality.

    1. Register to vote - apply online
    1. Register to vote - apply by post
  3. Step 3 Decide if you want to vote in person, by post, or by proxy

    1. Find out the different ways you can vote
  4. Step 4 Get ready to vote in person

    1. Check what ID you need to vote

    If you do not have photo ID that allows you to vote, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.

    1. Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate

    Contact your electoral registration office to find your polling station or to find out what to do if you have accessibility needs.

    1. Contact your electoral registration office
  5. or Apply for a postal vote

  6. or Apply for a proxy vote

  7. or Get ready to vote as a proxy

    1. Check what ID you need to vote

    Contact the electoral registration office of the person you are a proxy for to find their polling station or to find out what to do if you have accessibility issues.

    1. Contact the electoral registration office
  8. Step 5 Vote in person

  9. or Vote by post

    1. Vote by post
  10. or Vote as a proxy for someone else