Electrical waste: retailer and distributor responsibilities

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Your responsibilities

You have certain responsibilities if you sell electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).

You must provide a way for your customers to dispose of their old household electrical and electronic equipment when you sell them a new version of the same item.

The waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) regulations apply regardless of how you sell the products, whether direct or by internet, mail order or telephone.

You must either:

If you do not have your own take back service, you must join the Distributor Take Back Scheme (DTS).

Tell your customers which service you provide

You must provide free written information to your customers on:

  • which take back service you provide, including collect on delivery
  • how they can reuse and recycle electrical and electronic equipment
  • why this waste needs to be separated from other waste
  • the damaging effects of not recycling electrical and electronic equipment
  • the meaning of the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol


You can provide this information by, for example:

  • displaying posters in your store about which service you provide
  • including information leaflets with the electrical and electronic equipment you sell

Online retailers

You must publish this information on your website. You can download free customer information if you offer a take back service. DTS members can get these from the scheme.

If you produce EEE

You have other responsibilities if you’re a ‘producer’ - for example you make and sell EEE under your own brand, or sell it in UK from abroad.