
Electricity Demand Reduction pilot

Organisations received financial support for implementing energy efficiency projects through the Electricity Demand Reduction pilot if they delivered electricity savings at peak times.

The Electricity Demand Reduction (EDR) pilot

We tested whether projects that deliver lasting electricity savings at peak could in future compete for funding with generation, demand side response (DSR) and storage in the GB Capacity Market. Savings could be made by improving motor or pump systems, replacing old light fittings with LEDs or making any other improvement to a building or electrical equipment which would deliver lasting peak time electricity savings.

Some background on the EDR project, including research reports and Impact Assessments, can be found in Appendix 1 of the 2010-2015 government policy report on energy demand reduction in industry, business and the public sector.

The second phase the EDR Pilot was launched on 16 June 2015 with £6 million of funding available. It concluded in December 2018.

Successful bidders in EDR phase II auction

The Electricity Demand Reduction (EDR) Pilot Phase II auction was held on Thursday 21 January 2016.

22 organisations across Great Britain were awarded a total of £4.74 million for a total of 31 projects to reduce demand for electricity through efficiency schemes at peak times. The successful organisations were required to deliver peak capacity savings totalling at least 23,307 kW across Great Britain from November to February during either 2016-17 or 2017-18. The auction process was observed, and approved, by an independent external monitor.

Successful bidders in EDR phase II auction (PDF, 177 KB, 4 pages)

Phase II Participants

The application period for the EDR Pilot Phase II has now closed

If you missed the EDR Pilot Phase II application window but would like to keep abreast of any EDR-related news, please email us at asking to be added to our stakeholder list.

Visit the EDR Pilot: Supporting information page for supporting documents and bite-size ‘How to…’ videos offering an overview of Phase II of the EDR Pilot.

Evaluation of the Electricity Demand Reduction (EDR) Pilot

Pilot Data, Interim Evaluation Findings Report, Final Evaluation Report, Appendices, Wider Population Survey and Deemed Metering Final Process Report

The pilot data report includes outcome data from each of the key stages of the scheme process to December 2016, from registration to full participation.

The interim evaluation findings report presents the interim findings to September, 2016. The evaluation combines robust theory-based evaluation and analytical approaches to provide credible evidence as to whether, how and why the scheme influenced organisation behaviour. The findings provide insights for 2 key elements of the evaluation:

  1. the impact and contribution of the pilot scheme
  2. the scheme process

The findings detailed in this report have provided key learning to the delivery of the scheme, and future evaluation work will continue to inform the policy area.

The final evaluation report presents all project and research findings conducted up to winter 2017. The findings provide two key insights:

  1. the viability of EDR in the Capacity Market, and whether it could compete effectively
  2. wider lessons for related policies.

The findings detailed in this report have provided key learning for the Call for Evidence on facilitating energy efficiency in the electricity system. The Appendices include details on the methodology and the Wider Population Survey data tables show the survey responses. The Deemed Metering report of a sample of Pilot Phase I projects provides understanding on how accurately Measurement and Verification (M&V) documentation, particularly the Deemed Savings Calculator (DSC) used by EDR Pilot participants, reflects the actual kW savings delivered by pilot participants.

Electricity Demand Reduction final pilot evaluation report (PDF, 665 KB, 66 pages)

Electricity Demand Reduction final pilot evaluation report: technical appendices (PDF, 1.27 MB, 143 pages)

Electricity Demand Reduction (EDR) wider population survey data tables (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46.2 KB)

Deemed metering report (PDF, 465 KB, 20 pages)

Pilot data report (PDF, 358 KB, 21 pages)

Interim evaluation findings report (PDF, 728 KB, 48 pages)

Interim evaluation findings report appendices (PDF, 427 KB, 21 pages)

Further help

Phase I archive

Phase I of the EDR Pilot has now been completed. The guidance and supporting documents have been archived

Updates to this page

Published 29 July 2014
Last updated 22 July 2019 show all updates
  1. Final evaluation report with technical appendices and data tables added, along with Deemed Metering report

  2. Evaluation of the Electricity Demand Reduction (EDR) Pilot – Pilot Data and Interim Evaluation Findings Report.

  3. amendment to winners list

  4. Successful bidders in EDR phase II auction.

  5. Updated text.

  6. Text updated.

  7. EDR auction results.

  8. Completion of the EDR auction.

  9. Added details of forthcoming workshop.

  10. Outstanding webchat answers published.

  11. EDR web chat transcript

  12. First published.

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