Travel urgently from abroad without your UK passport

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Who can apply

An emergency travel document lets you travel from abroad if you need to travel urgently and cannot use your UK passport. It is usually only valid for one single or return journey.

You can travel through a maximum of 5 countries.

You can apply for an emergency travel document if all the following apply:

  • you’re a British national
  • you’re outside the UK
  • you need to travel within 6 weeks
  • your UK passport has been lost, stolen, damaged, is full, has recently expired or is with HM Passport Office or a foreign embassy
  • you cannot renew or replace your UK passport from abroad before you travel
  • you have had a valid UK passport in the last 10 years

If you have not held a UK passport in the last 10 years

If you have not had a UK passport before or you had one that expired more than 10 years ago, you’ll usually need to apply for a UK passport instead of an emergency travel document.

You might be able to get an emergency travel document if all the following apply:

  • you have, or are eligible for, British nationality
  • you’re outside the UK
  • you need to travel within 6 weeks
  • you have an urgent and unplanned reason to travel due to exceptional circumstances

Exceptional circumstances may include if:

  • your child was born unexpectedly
  • you need urgent medical treatment that you cannot access without travel to another country
  • you wish to attend the funeral of a close relative

If you have never held a UK passport, or not held one in the last 10 years, you cannot get emergency travel documents for activities such as holidays, weddings, family events and job interviews.

You’ll have to explain and provide evidence to show why your journey is urgent and essential. Applications are assessed on a case by case basis.