Rights and responsibilities for reservists and employers

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Financial support for employers

You can claim financial support if a reservist you employ is called up.

Do not pay their salary or pension contributions while they’re away - the Ministry of Defence (MOD) pays these costs. You’ll need to make changes in your payroll system.

You can apply to delay or cancel mobilisation if it will seriously harm your business.

What you can get

You can claim financial assistance to cover:

  • the cost of a temporary replacement if it’s more than the reservist’s salary (up to £110 a day)
  • advertising costs and agency fees for finding a replacement
  • a period of handover and takeover (5 days before and after mobilisation)
  • 75% of the cost of specialist clothing for the replacement (up to £300)
  • training costs for the replacement (up to £2,000)
  • overtime, if other employees cover the work
  • training the reservist needs to carry on their job when they return

Extra support for micro, small and medium-sized businesses

You can claim a further £500 a month for each full-time employee who is mobilised if all of the following apply:

  • your annual turnover was no more than £25.9 million in the 12 months before the reservist was called up
  • you had no more than 250 employees or partners on the date of mobilisation
  • you’re a private or charity sector employer or business partner

These are known as employer incentive payments.

You’ll get pro-rata payments for part-months and for part-time employees.

What you cannot claim for

You cannot claim for:

  • loss of profits, turnover or goodwill
  • your reservist’s salary or pension contributions if you keep paying them

How to claim

Download and fill in the claim form. Print it out, sign it and either scan and email it or post it. The addresses are on the form.

When to claim

You can claim before the reservist leaves, but you will not get a payment until they’ve started service. You cannot claim later than 4 weeks after the last day of their service.

You can claim for costs as they arise - you do not have to claim for them all at once.

Costs for training should be claimed within 8 weeks of the end of the training.

Help for employers

If you need further help, email Defence Relationship Management (DRM).