
England 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds

Information about the European Structural and Investment Funds programme for 2014 to 2020 in England.

Read about the continued UK participation in EU programmes following exit of the EU and details on future funding available moving forward.

ESIF programmes continue to invest in projects after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020. All funding must finish by the end of 2023.

About the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth programme

The European Structural and Investment Funds programme provides funds to help local areas grow. The funds support investment in innovation, businesses, skills and employment and create jobs.

Running from 2014 to 2020, and delivering funding until the end of 2023, there are 3 types of funds involved in the programme:

View projects that have received funding from the ERDF and ESF.

Applying for European Structural and Investment Growth programme funds

There are a range of requirements and criteria setting out who is eligible to apply for funding. If you are eligible, there are 2 routes to apply for funding.

Route 1: Funding Finder

For all of the ERDF, part of the EAFRD and part of the ESF

Route 2: Co-financing

European Social Fund only. Available through ESF Co-financing Organisations and can cover up to 100% EU funding of eligible project costs.

Find out more about the different stages of a typical European Regional Development Fund or European Social Fund project (PDF, 1.86 MB, 31 pages).

Programme guidance, forms, publicity and performance information

Through the pages below you can access a range of documents, guidance and forms required to manage funded projects or for more general information. Following our partners feedback, we have made a change to the way we show these documents and now group them together by funding programme. The same documents are still available for you to access through the links below.

Managing the European Structural and Investment Growth programme funds

Programme performance

Take a look at how the ERDF and ESF programmes are performing through the Annual Implementation Reports.

Contact us and stay in touch

View the DLUHC complaints procedure.

View the DWP complaints procedure.

View the European Regional Development Fund: privacy notice for information about how we collect, use and store your personal information.

Updates to this page

Published 16 July 2015
Last updated 20 October 2020 show all updates
  1. Added link to DWP Complaints Procedure.

  2. New page added to detail information regarding the European Structural and Investment Funds and the response the COVID-19.

  3. Link added to information about continued UK participation in EU programmes.

  4. Link to the ESF Outputs and Results page has bee added.

  5. Programme guidance section split into ESIF, ERDF and ESF related documents

  6. The email address for ESF Queries has changed from to Any messages sent to the gsi email address after 28 March 2019 will receive an automated email response, asking you to use the new address.

  7. The 2018 determination report which looks at the Strategic Environmental Assessment has been published.

  8. Privacy notice added

  9. We have added this page to the list of Government Funding Programmes

  10. The 2015 and 2016 Annual Implementation Reports have been added

  11. New ESF and ERDF Case Study Booklets added to GOV.UK.

  12. The determination of the Strategic Environmental Assessment has been added.

  13. New sub page added on Evaluation of ERDF with associated documents.

  14. Added a link to ESF Action Notes: 2014 to 2020 Programme.

  15. New page and documents added on ERDF Financial Instruments

  16. Added a link to new information about the evaluation of the European Social Fund 2014 to 2020.

  17. Contact Us - email address amended for ESF enquiries.

  18. Added a link to the new guide to European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund 2014-2020 programmes in England.

  19. The European Social Fund Operational Programme was adopted by the European Commission on 10 September 2015 and now published.

  20. First published.

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