CLOSED: Access to Employment for Young People - YEI project call for Tees Valley LEP Area (OC34S17P0762)

Call to run a project to increase the employability of specific groups of young people in the Tees Valley LEP area and offer them a structured and accessible route to employment

This call is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call. The information provided on this page is for reference purposes only.


This call invites Full Applications which support the delivery of Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 1.3 Sustainable Integration of Young People - YEI.

Whilst the proportion of young people who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) in Tees Valley has fallen recently it remains much higher than the national average.

Project proposals should deliver targeted, effective activities for participants aged 15-29 years old who are Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and who live in the Tees Valley LEP Area.

Examples of preferred activities include provision of independent and impartial Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance to ensure young people make informed choices which are relevant to current and future labour market opportunities, participation in work related experiences and employer based activities to increase opportunities for employment, proactive employer engagement activities on behalf of YEI participants and use local economic information to direct activities towards supporting key sectors and those with realistic sustainable employment opportunities.

For more information, download the call specification.


All interventions should be focused on activity and beneficiaries within the Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnership area. Applications must support the delivery of Investment Priority 1.3 Sustainable Integration of Young People (YEI) into the labour market.


Approximately £3,200,000 (£1,600,000 ESF and £1,600,000 YEI) of funding is available.


  • Full application deadline: 26th-May-2017
  • Project start date: August 2017

Completion date

The project must be completed no later than 31st August 2018.

How to apply

To apply for funding under this call you will need to complete and send the Full Application form to the email address provided in the call document. The guidance provides information to help you complete the form.

You are also advised to read the details in the call documents in order to produce an application that complies with the requirements and meets the needs set out in the Operational Programme. All this information, the related guidance and the European Social Fund Operational Programme can be found from our homepage.

Where to send completed applications

Completed Full Applications must be submitted to 2014-2020.ESFAPPLICATIONS@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK

Failure to send completed applications to this email address by the deadline in the call specification will be ineligible for consideration.

Contact details

Contact. with queries linked to accessing or using the specification, forms, guidance etc. No applications are to be sent to this email address. Completed applications must be sent to the email address provided in the ‘Where to send completed applications’ section above / Section 9 of the Call Specification.

Updates to this page

Published 21 April 2017
Last updated 20 June 2017
  1. Access to Employment for Young People - YEI project call for Tees Valley LEP Area (OC34S17P0762) is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call.

  2. First published.