CLOSED: Improving education & training systems in Worcestershire (OC38S19P1340)

Call to run a project promoting skills provision through engagement with relevant institutions and employers, particularly SMEs and Micro businesses within Worcestershire.

This call is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call. The information provided on this page is for reference purposes only.


Whilst this call is not limited to specific sectors, applications should note the following sectors have been identified by the Worcestershire LEP as having particular importance or growth potential to the area:-

  • Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Agri-Tech
  • IT, Cyber Security and Defence
  • Construction
  • Visitor and Destination Economy

Applications are encouraged from all organisations working within the above areas, as well as small consortia or other similar types of partnership arrangements. In each case the application must be submitted by a lead organisation on behalf of the partnership/consortia and the lead applicant must have the financial capacity to meet the requirements of the Due Diligence criteria .

For more information, download the call specification.


The project must cover the Worcestershire LEP Area.


Approximately £1,000,000 of funding is available.


Full application deadline: 10 June 2019

Completion date

The project must be completed no later than 3 years and 6 months after the proposed start date.

How to apply

To apply for funding under this call you will need to complete and send the Full Application form to the email address provided in the call document. The guidance provides information to help you complete the form.

You are also advised to read the details in the call documents in order to produce an application that complies with the requirements and meets the needs set out in the Operational Programme. All this information, the related guidance and the European Social Fund Operational Programme can be found from our homepage.

Where to send completed applications

Completed Full Applications must be submitted to

Failure to send completed applications to this email address by the deadline in the call specification will be ineligible for consideration.

Contact details

Contact with queries linked to accessing or using the specification, forms, guidance etc.

No applications are to be sent to this email address. Completed applications must be sent to the email address provided in the ‘Where to send completed applications’ section above / Section 9 of the Call Specification.

Updates to this page

Published 18 March 2019
Last updated 11 June 2019 show all updates
  1. Improving education & training systems in Worcestershire (OC38S19P1340) project call is now closed.

  2. First published.