CLOSED: Lump Sum Digital Interventions – London – OC23S20X1774
Call to run a project to help address the digital divide in response to Coronavirus. To deliver additional activity to existing London ESF participants. 100% ESF ‘Lump Sum’ based funding.
This call is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call, The information provided on this page is for information only.
- This Call seeks to address two of the main ‘access’ issues associated with digital exclusion.
- The first is that of having physical access to the internet, i.e. a device that will allow the user to access the internet. The second is the issue of data poverty.
- Applications are invited from organisations to deliver short-term activity to existing ESF participants. The short-term activity will consist of projects procuring and loaning an appropriate device (e.g. tablet, laptop) and providing a three-month allowance of data, provided via a data dongle, to existing ESF participants. Activity will also include a small amount of set up support to enable users to understand functionality and get online.
- Projects can be funded at 100% ESF through this Call. No upper or lower financial limit will be applied to project applications made against this Call. This will enable smaller, locally based organisations to apply for funding and also provides scope for larger organisations to apply to deliver larger scale projects where they have identified sufficient demand for provision.
- Applications are invited to deliver the activity across London. A separate Call is being launched by the ESF Managing Authority seeking applications to deliver activity across other LEP areas.
- All activity to enable participants to receive the equipment, any initial set up support, and defrayal of all expenditure must be completed by 31 December 2020.
For more information, download the
Please also see:
The project must cover the London LEP area.
Approximately £ 5,000,000 of ESF is available.
Full application deadline: 15th October 2020
Completion date
All project activity must be completed no later than 31st December 2020. Projects must be able to submit their claim by 5th February 2021.
Full Application Submission
To apply for funding under this call you will need to complete and submit your Full Application via the ECLAIMS IT System.
Please note: the ECLAIMS IT System can only be accessed from within the UK.
Full Applications submitted in the ECLAIMS IT System after the call closing date shown above and on the call specification will not be appraised.
If you do not already have access to the ECLAIMS IT system, please request an ‘ECLAIMS External Access Form’ by emailing
You will need to request an External Access Form for each person in your organisation who requires access.
It is your responsibility to ensure you request and activate your ECLAIMS access in sufficient time. We strongly advise that you obtain and activate your ECLAIMS access at least 2 weeks prior to the advertised call closure date, if not sooner.
You are also advised to read the details in the call specification in order to produce an application that complies with the requirements and meets the needs set out in the ESF Operational Programme. All this information, the related guidance and the European Social Fund Operational Programme can be found from our homepage.
The published ESF Online Full Application Guidance also provides step-by-step advice on how to complete your Full Application using the ECLAIMS IT system. ESF Online Full Application Guidance.
Technical Support
If you encounter any technical difficulties completing or submitting your Full Application via the ECLAIMS IT system, please send an email to
The technical support operating hours are Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm and it is your responsibility to ensure you seek and technical advice in sufficient time to complete and submit your Full Application before the published call closure date.
The Managing Authority reserves the right to reject applications which are incomplete or not submitted in a timely and compliant way.
Contact details
If you have any questions about the Call Specification or ESF Online Full Application Guidance, please contact This address should not be used to request technical support.
Updates to this page
Published 17 September 2020Last updated 16 October 2020 + show all updates
Lump Sum Digital Interventions – London OC23S20X1774 project call now closed.
The Lump Sum Digital Interventions – London – OC23S20X1774 - Questions & Answers has been updated.
Lump Sum Digital Interventions – London – OC23S20X1774 - Question and Answers - response to Question 1 has been amended.
Lump Sum Digital Interventions – London – OC23S20X1774 project call email address to use to request EClaims access has been changed.
Lump Sum Digital Interventions Call - London (OC23S20X1774) has updated to include Questions & Answers.
First published.