CLOSED: Specialist Employment Services for People with Learning Disabilities in the Greater Cambridge, Greater Peterborough LEP area (OC13S17P0815)
Call to run a project to develop and deliver specialist Employment Services to work with JCP staff and /or providers of learning and existing employment programmes and support services across the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough (GCGP) area.
This call is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call. The information provided on this page is for reference purposes only.
This call is to develop and deliver specialist Employment Services to work with Jobcentre Plus staff and /or providers of learning and existing employment programmes and support services across the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough (GCGP) area. These services will offer support for all individuals with a learning disability, whether they are in work, in learning or unemployed and seeking work; to prepare for, find and retain a job or progress within their chosen career. Possible elements of activity may include, but are not limited to:
Working one-to-one and/or in groups with individuals, families, carers and support staff, teachers and services to raise employment aspirations and ambitions and where appropriate support the transition from education to work.
Personalised advice, support, guidance and mentoring from pre-job search to in-work support (individual job coaching).
Employer support to create more opportunities for working interviews including elements of work tasters, work experience and permanent positions (job development).
In-work support for employers (job support and capacity / capability building to ensure employers can support employees in the long-term).
In-work development / progression programme for those wanting to take the next step in their career – in-work support for employees.
Benefits information, advice and guidance.
Travel training.
Employer staff awareness training.
Access to Work guidance and support.
Self-employment training, support and guidance.
Supporting individuals and their support network to career manage their own employment and development.
For more information, download the
The project must cover the Greater Cambridge, Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Area .
Approximately £1,600,000 of funding is available.
Outline application deadline: 27th October 2017.
Completion date
The project must be completed no later than 30th April 2021.
How to apply
To apply for funding under this call you will need to complete and send the Outline Application form to the email address provided in the call document. The guidance provides information to help you complete the form.
You are also advised to read the details in the call documents in order to produce an application that complies with the requirements and meets the needs set out in the Operational Programme. All this information, the related guidance and the European Social Fund Operational Programme can be found from our homepage.
Where to send completed applications
Completed Outline Applications must be submitted to 2014-2020.ESFAPPLICATIONS@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK
Failure to send completed applications to this email address by the deadline in the call specification will be ineligible for consideration.
What happens next
If your outline application is successful, we’ll contact you and ask you to make a full application.
Contact details
Contact. with queries linked to accessing or using the specification, forms, guidance etc.
No applications are to be sent to this email address. Completed applications must be sent to the email address provided in the ‘Where to send completed applications’ section above / Section 9 of the Call Specification.