CLOSED: Tourism: call in Gloucestershire (11RD15TO0001)

Call to run a project providing support for tourism in rural areas in Gloucestershire.

This call is now closed. Please do not submit an application for this call. The information provided on this page is for reference purposes only.


This call invites applications for investment to develop visitor attractions, tourist information and small scale tourism infrastructure in rural areas.

For more information, download the call specification.


Projects must be located within the rural Gloucestershire First Local Enterprise Partnership area.


Grants from £35,000 to up to £100,000 are available depending on state aid already received.


Outline application deadline: 30 October 2015 at 17.00 hours.

How to apply

Step one

Before applicants can submit an application for a grant from the Growth Programme, they will need to register on Rural Payments. If the applicant is already registered on Rural Payments, they will not need to do this again.

Step two: make an outline application

Applicants will need to complete an outline application which can be found here along with supporting guidance.

What happens next

If an outline application is successful, the Rural Payments Agency will contact the applicant and provide them with the detail they will need to complete a full application.

Read the EAFRD Growth Programme guidance. This explains what an applicant must do to apply for a grant, how grant applications are assessed and how to meet the terms of a grant funding offer if an application is successful.

Contact details

If you have a question call the Rural Payments helpline on 0300 0200 301 or

Call reference number: 11RD15TO0001

Updates to this page

Published 3 November 2015