Expenses and benefits: company vans and fuel

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Work out the value

Vans used for private journeys

You’ll need to report a standard value of £3,960 to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This can be reduced if:

  • your employee cannot use the van for 30 days in a row
  • your employee pays you to privately use the van
  • other employees use the van - divide £3,960 by the number of employees

Van fuel for private journeys

You’ll need to report a standard value of £757 to HMRC. This can be reduced if:

  • the employee cannot use the van for 30 days in a row
  • your employee pays you back for all their private fuel
  • you stopped providing fuel during the tax year

Zero emission vans

You need to report the zero emission van on the P11D at 0% of £3,960 which is £0.

Calculating your reductions

Most payroll software packages will work the reductions out for you.

You can also use HMRC:

Salary sacrifice arrangements

If the cost of vans and fuel is less than the amount of salary given up, report the salary amount instead.

These rules do not apply to arrangements made before 6 April 2017 - check when the rules will change.