Expenses and benefits: parking spaces

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What to report and pay

If the parking spaces you provide are not exempt, you may have to report them to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and you may have to pay National Insurance on the cost.

Spaces you provide for use on business journeys

If you provide parking spaces for business journeys, you can get exemptions (which have replaced dispensations). This means you will not have to include them in your end-of-year reports.

If you do not have an exemption, you must report the cost to you of providing the parking space on form P11D.

You do not have to pay tax or National Insurance on these parking spaces.

Other parking spaces you provide

This covers parking spaces you provide that are not either:

  • at or near the employee’s workplace
  • for use on a business journey

You must:

Salary sacrifice arrangements

If the cost of the parking spaces is less than the amount of salary given up, report the salary amount instead.