The State of UK Competition Report 2022 (CMA)

A research paper from the CMA


This is the CMA’s second State of Competition report. Its central aim is to provide information and analysis to help inform public debate and policy. It builds on the CMA’s first assessment, presenting new, improved and updated indicators of the state of competition. In particular, the latest report presents:

  • updated indicators of the state of competition, including concentration, profitability and markups, and entry and exit
  • improved estimates of concentration that adjust for the effects of international trade and the effects of competing firms having the same owners (so-called “common ownership”)
  • an assessment of whether consumers on lower incomes face less competitive markets
  • analysis of the latest surveys examining businesses’ and consumers’ experience of markets
  • specific analysis of competition in digital markets, which are poorly captured by existing economic statistics


CMA, The State of UK Competition Report, April 2022

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Published 30 August 2022