CSAM3: Herbal leys
What you must do to get paid for this action and advice on how to do it.
This is an action in the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme: expanded offer for 2024. You must read the SFI scheme information to understand the scheme rules and how to apply.
3 years
How much you’ll be paid
£382 per hectare (ha) per year
Action’s aim
This action’s aim is that there’s an established herbal ley with:
- a mixture of grasses, legumes and herbs or wildflowers to provide varied root structures
- areas of flowering plants from late spring and during summer months
The purpose of this is to:
- produce a high volume of forage with minimal use of inorganic fertiliser
- improve resilience to drought
- help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility
Where you can do this action
You can do this action on agricultural land located below the moorland line that’s:
- an eligible land type (as defined in section 5.1 ‘Eligible land types for SFI’ in the SFI scheme information)
- registered with an eligible land cover on your digital maps
- declared with a land use code which is compatible with the eligible land cover
Eligible land
Eligible land type | Eligible land cover | Compatible land use code |
Arable land used to grow crops | Arable land | Land use codes for arable crops or leguminous and nitrogen-fixing crops |
Temporary grassland | Arable land | TG01 |
Arable land lying fallow | Arable land | FA01 |
Improved permanent grassland | Permanent grassland | PG01 |
Eligibility of protected land
Protected land | Eligibility |
Sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) | Ineligible – you must not enter any area that’s designated as an SSSI into this action |
Historic and archaeological features | Ineligible – you must not enter any area with an historic or archaeological feature into this action. This only affects the area where the feature is located in a land parcel. You can apply for this action on the remaining area in the land parcel if it’s eligible. |
Available area you can enter into this action
Total or part of the available area in a land parcel.
Rotational or static action
This action is rotational or static. This means you can either:
- move its location for the second and third year of this action’s rotation
- do it at the same location each year of this action’s duration
What to do
You must establish an herbal ley with a mixture of grass, legumes and herbs on land entered into this action.
You must use a seed mix which includes all of the following (as a minimum):
- 1 grass species
- 2 legume species
- 2 herb or wildflower species
If you’re establishing an herbal ley on land identified by you as being at risk of soil erosion or runoff, you must use establishment techniques which minimise the risk of soil erosion or runoff. You can use the soil management plan produced for CSAM1 (or SAM1) to identify this land. See action CSAM1 for more information.
Once the herbal ley is established, you must maintain it. To do this you must manage it in a way, and for a period of time, that can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim.
You must minimise use of inorganic fertilisers containing nitrogen. Usually, this will be no more than around 40 kilograms (kg) of nitrogen per ha per year.
You must not use the established herbal ley for storage or apply pesticides on it, except:
- for herbicides to weed wipe or spot treat to control injurious weeds, invasive non-native species, or nettles
- to destroy the existing ley to establish a new herbal ley
You can maintain an existing herbal ley to get paid for this action if it:
- meets this action’s requirements – you may need to re-sow it to make sure it can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim
- is not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option, such as Countryside Stewardship (CS) option GS4 (legume and herb-rich swards)
When to do it
You must:
- establish the herbal ley by early autumn, within 12 months of this action’s start date
- maintain the herbal ley at the same location for a period of time that can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim – this will usually be until the end of the second summer after sowing
- re-establish the herbal ley by early autumn (either at the same location or a different location) and maintain it until this action’s end date
How to do it
It’s up to you how you do this action, as long as you:
- follow this action’s requirements – these are identified by a ‘must’
- do the action in a way that could reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim
You may find it helpful to read the ‘advice to help you do this action’, but it’s not part of this action’s requirements.
Evidence to keep
You must keep evidence to show what you’ve done to complete this action, such as:
- field operations at a land parcel level and associated invoices, including details of the seed mix used
- photographs or other documentation
If it’s not clear that you’ve done this action in a way that could reasonably be expected to achieve its aim, we may ask for this evidence. You must supply the evidence if we ask for it.
Other actions or options you can do on the same area as this action
You can do the following actions or options on the same area in a land parcel as this action. Some actions or options can only be done on the same area if they’re done at a different time of year to this action. For example, winter cover followed by a summer companion crop. Read ‘What to do’ and ‘When to do it’ to find out when this action must be done.
Scheme | Action or option codes |
SFI 2024 actions | OFC1, OFC3, OFM1, OFM4, AGF1, AGF2, CIPM1, CNUM1, PRF1, PRF2, PRF3, CSAM1 |
SFI 2023 actions | IPM1, NUM1, SAM1 |
CS options | OR1, OR3, OT1, OT3 |
ES options | No ES revenue options |
SFI pilot standards | No area based SFI pilot standards |
If an action or option cannot be located on the same area, you may be able to do it on a different area in the same land parcel. Read section 6 ‘Eligible land in other funding schemes’ in the SFI scheme information for more details.
You can do the following actions or options on the eligible boundaries of a land parcel entered into this action:
- SFI 2024 actions: CHRW1, CHRW2, CHRW3, BND1, BND2 and WBD2
- SFI 2023 actions: HRW1, HRW2, HRW3
- CS option BE3 (management of hedgerows)
- the introductory level of the SFI pilot hedgerows standard
Advice to help you do this action
The following advice may help you to do this action, but it’s not part of this action’s requirements.
Choosing a seed mix
This action explains the minimum requirement for species in the seed mix (under ‘What to do’).
If you want to grow a high-quality herbal ley (which goes beyond the basic requirements of this action), the seed mix will usually include at least:
- 5 grass species, such as cocksfoot, festulolium, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass, smooth-stalked meadow grass, tall fescue and timothy
- 4 legume species, such as alsike clover, bird’s-foot-trefoil, lucerne, red clover, sainfoin winter vetch and common vetch, and black medickand white cover
- 4 herb species, such as burnet, chicory, ribwort plantain, salad burnet, sheep’s parsley and yarrow
Try to avoid a mix of festulolium and perennial ryegrass making up more than 70% by weight of the total seed mix.
Your seed supplier can help you choose a seed mix that is the best match for your land, local conditions and how you’ll manage the ley.
Where to establish the herbal leys
When you establish the herbal leys, by law you cannot cultivate or apply fertilisers or pesticides to land within 2m of the centre of a hedgerow. Read the guidance on Hedgerow management rules: buffer strips to understand how these rules apply to you.
How to maintain herbal leys
You can maintain herbal leys by grazing them with livestock or cutting them (or both).
To help achieve this action’s aim, you can rest the herbal leys from grazing or cutting for around at least 5 consecutive weeks between early May and late July. This will allow flowers to open and provide a source of pollen and nectar for insects.
It can take up to 4 years for the roots to grow enough to improve soil structure and fertility.
You may find it helpful to read the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) guidance on herbal leys.
Updates to this page
Added detail to explain how Hedgerow Regulations may affect how a farmer does an action, and signpost to detailed guidance on the Management of Hedgerows Regulations.
OR1 removed from CS options.
Action’s aim - ‘minor wording update’. Where you can do this action - an eligible land type is defined in section 5.1 ‘Eligible land types for SFI’ in the SFI scheme information. Eligibility of protected land - you can apply for this action on the area in a land parcel that does not contain an historic or archaeological feature. Rotational or static action - this action is rotational or static. Wording on new and existing herbal leys has been removed. What to do - replaced ‘at least’ with ‘as a minimum’ for the seed mix that you must use. When to do it - updated wording to reflect that this action is rotational or static for new and existing herbal leys. Published voluntary advice to help you do this action, but it's not part of this action’s requirements.
First published.