Apply for this licence
If you run a large shop (eg one which has more than 280 square metres retail floor space), you can only open for trade on Sundays between 1pm and 6pm.
However, if you run a large shop that is situated in a holiday resort you may give notice to the district council for that area specifying up to 18 Sundays in a year where your shop will be exempt from that rule.
This exemption only applies to Sundays (other than Easter Sunday) that fall between 1 March and 30 September in any calendar year.
How to apply
Contact your local district council for a notification form or visit their website to notify them online. No fee is payable.
You must notify your district council of the dates of the Sundays you would like to open. The notification will take effect 14 days after the date it is given, unless your district council agrees that it should come into effect earlier.
If the area where your shop is located has not been designated as a holiday resort you can’t use this exemption. Contact your local district council for more information on how areas are designated as holiday resorts.
Fines and penalties
You could be fined up to £50,000 if you open outside permitted hours on a Sunday without notifying the council.