How to apply
There is more than one online form available for this licence:
- Application to Deposit Solid Waste (e.g. Dredged Material)
- Application to Deposit Tracers Dyes and Other Materials
1. Application to Deposit Solid Waste (e.g. Dredged Material)
In Northern Ireland, the Department of Environment (DOE) is responsible under Part II of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 to control deposit of articles in the sea. The Act aims to protect the marine environment and human health, and to minimise nuisance or interference to other legitimate uses of the sea. The Department operates a licensing system under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which regulates the deposit of substances or articles in Northern Ireland's territorial waters (from HWMS out to 12 nautical miles), or under the seabed. This includes dredged material.
2. Application to Deposit Tracers Dyes and Other Materials
In Northern Ireland, the Department of Environment (DOE) is responsible under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 to control deposit of articles in the sea. The Act aims to protect the marine environment and human health, and to minimise nuisance or interference to other legitimate uses of the sea. The Department operates a licensing system under the Marine and Coastal Acess Act 2009, which regulates the deposit of substances or articles in Northern Ireland's territorial waters (from HWMS out to 12 nautical miles), or under the seabed. This includes dredged material.