Apply for this licence
To make copies of newspaper and magazine content (for example, articles relating to your business, industry, or competitors) for internal use in a business you generally need a licence from NLA Media Access Limited. The Simplified Licence provides the same cover/offers the same rights as the NLA Business Licence and Web End User Licence combined. It allows you to make or receive web, digital (e.g. scan, email, PDF) and paper copies (photocopying, scan, and fax) from all the titles NLA represents.
A Simplified Licence permits you to make copies from:
- UK national and regional newspapers and certain magazines
- newspaper websites and certain magazine websites
- certain specialist and foreign titles
It also permits you to receive and distribute newspaper content from a public relations (PR) agency or media monitoring agency.
The application form can be found at: Your licence simplified - NLA Media Access
You’ll need a different licence if you’re a PR agency or a media monitoring agency and you supply newspaper and/or magazine content to clients.
If you make copies of newspaper content for teaching purposes, you need an Educational Establishment Licence.
You do not need to apply for this licence if you are licensed directly with the applicable publisher/s represented by NLA Media Access Limited. Search or see full list of publishers represented by the NLA.
Licences are subject to certain conditions (for example, keeping records of the number of copies made and making these available for inspection by the NLA on request).
Annual fees consist of a basic licence fee calculated on the total number of staff or turnover and, where appropriate, additional fees for frequent paper and digital copying. If you have not applied for a licence before, you may also have to pay an indemnity charge to cover past copying.
Processing timeline
Applications will be processed in a timely fashion.
Fines and penalties
If you make copies of newspaper and certain magazines’ content without a licence, you are infringing copyright and could be sued for damages.