
Pollution data reporting (Scotland)

You need to report your annual emission releases to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency if you are a business regulated by a pollution and prevention control permit (PPC)

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If you are an operator of a business in Scotland regulated by a pollution prevention and control permit (PPC), you may have to report your annual emission releases to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for inclusion in the Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI).

Part A permit holders - businesses that have the potential to cause emissions to land or water, or larger volume emissions to the air - must report to SEPA at yearly intervals and immediately inform them of any accident or incident that may affect the environment. When reporting you must include the following information:

  • your NIC number
  • the name, address and permit number of your site
  • company details - including contact details
  • levels of pollutants to air, water, waste water, land and off-site transfers

You must report using the SPRI reporting form in either electronic or paper format.

Permit holders may be requested at any point by SEPA to provide information on their emissions or discharges.