Apply for this licence
If you carry out activities that can affect the environment, under Schedule 1 of the Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003, and in particular affect emissions into the air, water and/or land you must hold a Part A permit for your installation or mobile plant.
If the activities involve emissions into the air only, you may need a Part B permit. (Air emissions are also covered by Part C permits which are issued by your local district council).
Part A and B permits are issued by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA).
How to apply
Applications must be in writing, contain specific information and and documents regarding your business and the emissions you produce, and will be subject to a fee. You must pay the fee at the time you apply, and the amount will vary depending on whether your application is a new one or a renewal, and whether you need to pay any other charges.
Your application should describe:
- process activity
- nature of the releases to the environment
- how releases will be controlled to comply with Best Available Techniques (BAT) requirements
- how the environmental impact of these releases are acceptable
You should return the completed application form to the NIEA.
Some applications may be subject to a consultation process involving other Departments, Agencies and bodies. You may have to advertise your application in a local newspaper and, for Part A activities, also in the Belfast Gazette.
Your permit will have conditions specific to your operations and requires you to utilise BAT to prevent and minimise releases to the environment. It may also contain specific emission limit requirements for your activities. For specified waste management activities the activity must be managed by a fit and proper person. Planning permission must be obtained before a permit is issued.
You must comply with any conditions attached to a permit. The types of conditions may vary dependent upon the type of permit.
If you operate a Part A installation or mobile plant and wish to surrender your permit you must make an application to the enforcing authority accompanied by a site closure plan along with a fee. Only when the enforcing authority is satisfied that the closure plan has been implemented will the permit be revoked.
If you operate a Part B installation and wish to surrender your permit you must notify the enforcing authority.