
PSV (Public Service Vehicle) operator’s licence

You need a public service vehicle (PSV) operator’s licence to operate a vehicle for hire or reward (payment or payment in kind) that can carry 9 or more passengers or operate a smaller vehicle carrying passengers and charging separate fares for the journey. There are 4 different types of licence and what you need depends on the work you do.

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Types of PSV licence

There are 4 types of PSV operator’s licence.

Standard national licence

You can only operate in Great Britain if you apply for a standard licence. Most full-time commercial operators use standard licences.

Standard international licence

This kind of licence lets you take passengers abroad as well as within Great Britain.

Restricted licence

You can only apply for a restricted licence for small-scale operations. They allow you to use 1 or 2 vehicles, and neither can carry more than 8 passengers.

You can carry up to 16 passengers in either vehicle if you do not use it as part of a passenger transport business, or you’re operating your vehicles as a sideline and not as your main job.

Special restricted licence

Special restricted licences are used to operate a licensed taxi on a local service. You can only apply for this licence if you’re a licensed taxi operator. A local service is one where:

• stops are no more than 24.15 kilometres (15 miles) apart

• at least one stop is within the area of the district council that issued your taxi or private hire vehicle licence

The service must be registered with a traffic commissioner.

Further information and apply for a licence

An overview of the PSV operator licensing system is available here

You can apply for a PSV operator’s licence online.