First Homes scheme: first-time buyer's guide

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Letting the property

You can usually let your entire property for no more than 2 years in total during the time you own it.

Before letting it, you need to:

  • tell the local council you want to let it
  • check with your mortgage lender

The 2-year limit resets if you sell the home to someone else.

Letting for longer than 2 years

You may be able to let out your entire property for longer than 2 years in some circumstances, including if:

  • the location of your job changes
  • a marriage or long-term relationship ends
  • you’re moving to get away from a situation that involves domestic abuse
  • you’ve been made redundant
  • you’re caring for a relative or friend

You must have permission from the local council. You may also need to ask your mortgage lender.

Letting a room

You can rent a room to someone for as long as you want, so long as:

  • the home is still your only or main residence

  • you live in the home while they’re renting