Development of economic appraisal methods for flood management and coastal erosion protection
A project improving the accuracy of benefit assessments for appraising coastal defence and flood alleviation works.
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This project represents the second phase of research and development to update the Flood Hazard Research Centre’s (FHRC) previous flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) manuals.
This project reassesses the non-residential property flood damage database and consolidates earlier research to deliver a revised flood defence appraisal manual. This updates current flood defence practices as set out in the ‘HM Treasury Green Book’. It incorporates key results from newly completed research on human-related, intangible impacts and public awareness.
This project will help to ensure that benefit assessments for appraising coastal defence and flood alleviation works are more accurate and cost effective than they have been. This is achieved by delivering a modified version of the datasets for calculating the benefits of flood alleviation and erosion control.
The outcomes of this research will be significant to Defra and the flood risk management industry.
This project ran from 2003 to 2005 at a cost of £317,074.