Hydraulic performance of river bridges and other structures at high flows - phase 2

A project delivering a software tool to estimate afflux to improve our understanding of the effects of in-channel structures on flood water levels at high flows.


This project improves our understanding of the effects of in-channel structures on flood water levels at high flows and develops a software tool to estimate afflux. This is the increase in water levels upstream of a structure or other obstruction in a watercourse.

It investigates a range of methods for calculating afflux to determine how well they could be applied to the various types of bridges and culverts found in UK channels. The Afflux Advisor is an Excel spreadsheet tool intended for non-specialists. It enables flood risk management and drainage practitioners, Development Control staff and researchers to calculate afflux based on a combination of hydraulic theory and field and laboratory data.

Please see the River Conveyance website

This project ran from 2003 to 2007.

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Published 17 February 2021