Guidance on importing live animals or animal products
Find rules for importing animals and animal products, and guidance on the importing process.
Live animals and animal by-products
Guidance on importing live animals and germinal products (including under Balai rules), and animal by-products.
Importing food products
Guidance on importing products of animal origin, and composite and compound products.
Import information notes
Technical documents with import requirements for specific commodities.
Import restrictions
Current import restrictions due to animal disease outbreaks.
Risk categories
You must find the risk category for the commodity you’re importing and follow the sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) rules for that category.
You may need a licence to import animals or animal products to Great Britain.
Import notifications on IPAFFS
You must use IPAFFS to notify authorities in Great Britain before your goods arrive.
Border control posts (BCPs)
Most consignments must enter Great Britain through a point of entry that has a relevant border control post.
Welfare of animals in transport
You must make sure you meet animal welfare standards when transporting live animals.
Endangered species
Identifying imported livestock
Updates to this page
Added links to animal by-products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin to the 'live animals, high-risk food and feed' section. Retitled the section 'live animals, animal by-products, high-risk food and feed'.
Added 'Import eggs to Great Britain' guide.
First published.