Regional risks
This section has safety advice for regions of the Republic of Congo. It only covers regions where FCDO has specific advice.
You should also read FCDO’s overall travel advice and safety and security advice.
Republic of Congo-Central African Republic border area in Likouala Region
FCDO advises against all travel within 50km of the Republic of Congo-Central African Republic (CAR) border in Likouala Region.
There is a risk of violence, crime and insecurity in this area due to instability in CAR.
Some districts in Pool Region
FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the Pool Region districts of:
- Boko
- Kindamba
- Kinkala
- Mayama
- Mindouli
In the Pool Region there continue to be reports of:
- sporadic fighting between rebel groups and the military
- large numbers of displaced people
- crime and armed banditry
The authorities may stop you travelling at night. To travel by day, you may need a permit from the Congolese army and a military escort.
Mouyondzi District in Bouenza Region
FCDO advises against all but essential travel to Mouyondzi District in Bouenza Region. There is a risk of violent crime including carjackings and targeted attacks.