Foreign travel advice


Safety and security

This guide also has safety advice for regions of Cyprus.


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out more about the global threat from terrorism.

Terrorism in Cyprus

Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Cyprus, attacks cannot be ruled out.

Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreign nationals.

Israel is directing all its Cyprus-bound flights to Larnaca Airport for security reasons. UK flights are not currently affected by this change.

Political demonstrations

Demonstrations may occur in cities with little or no notice. Events in the Middle East have led to heightened tensions and demonstrations are likely. Avoid any protests, political gatherings, or marches and leave the area if one develops. Local transport routes may be disrupted.

Political situation

The Republic of Cyprus is a full EU member, but the country is divided by the ‘Green Line’. The British government does not recognise the self-declared ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’.


Crime against tourists is not common but take sensible precautions. Keep passports, money and other valuables safe.

Drink spiking

Personal attacks, including sexual assaults, are infrequent but do happen. Drug-assisted rape is a risk, including with drugs like GHB and liquid ecstasy. Buy your own drinks and always keep sight of them. Avoid splitting up from your friends.

Laws and cultural differences

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

Cyprus has a strictly enforced zero-tolerance policy towards illegal drugs, which includes laughing gas. If you are caught with drugs, you could get a fine or a prison sentence.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is legal in the Republic of Cyprus and civil partnerships are recognised. However, they may not be as widely accepted as in the UK. Same-sex sexual activity is also legal in the north of Cyprus, but not widely accepted. 

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

Dual nationals and military service

If you are of Cypriot descent, even if you do not have a nationality card, authorities may consider you eligible for military service. If this happens, you could have difficulties when exiting Cyprus, and you might have to prove that you live outside Cyprus.

Under international law, the British High Commission cannot intervene with Cypriot authorities on behalf of those considered to be dual Cypriot-British nationals. If you might be eligible for any local obligations or duties that apply to dual nationals, such as military service, contact the Cypriot authorities or a local lawyer before you travel.

The British High Commission has lists of English-speaking lawyers in Cyprus and in the north of Cyprus. See Getting help.


If you are visiting Cyprus to arrange an international surrogacy, consider the risks and challenges involved. Surrogacy is a complex and lengthy process. You should:

  • make sure you are fully aware of the facts and well-prepared before starting the process
  • seek specialist legal advice on Cyprus and UK laws before making any arrangements
  • read FCDO and Home Office guidance on surrogacy overseas including issues you might have to deal with
  • research clinics and hospitals thoroughly to ensure they are safe and reputable

The British High Commission cannot get involved in surrogacy arrangements or recommend hospitals or clinics.

Commissioning a surrogacy will not automatically mean that the child holds British citizenship. If you want to bring your child born through surrogacy from Cyprus to the UK, you must apply for a full British passport. You will need a Cypriot birth certificate to apply. The maximum period of visa-free stay allowed by the Cypriot authorities is 90 days within a 180-day period.

International parental child abduction

The authorities in the north of Cyprus do not act on British court orders. They will not share information with the British High Commission on children subject to UK court orders. This means the British High Commission cannot ensure that these children are properly safeguarded.

Using cameras in secure areas

Avoid taking photographs near sensitive areas, such as military buildings. If you do, the authorities could arrest you.

Outdoor activities and adventure tourism

Swimming safety

Bathing is generally safe, but there can be strong waves and currents. Always follow warning signs and only swim on approved beaches.

See water safety on holiday from the Royal Life Saving Society. 

Adventure sports, including quad biking

If you do any extreme or adventure sports, water sports or diving, you should:

  • get the right travel insurance – the sport should be included by name on your policy
  • always check the details of your insurance cover before you travel, including the exclusions
  • only use properly licensed and insured operators and satisfy yourself that adequate safety precautions are in place
  • never hand over your passport as a guarantee against the return of equipment

See ⁠watersports safety advice from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA).

Transport risks

Road travel

If you are planning to drive in Cyprus, see information on driving abroad and check the rules of the road in the RAC’s Cyprus guide. The guide lists driving regulations and other legal requirements you need to be aware of.

You could be heavily fined if you:

  • drive or are a passenger without wearing a seat belt
  • ride a motorbike without a crash helmet
  • use a mobile while driving
  • are found to be drink-driving

Licences and permits

You can use a UK photocard driving licence to drive in Cyprus. If you still have a paper driving licence, you may need to update it to a photocard licence or get the correct version of the international driving permit (IDP) as well.

You must display a UK sticker to drive a UK-based car in Cyprus.

Driving standards

Driving standards are poor and there is an increased risk of road deaths compared to the UK.

Car and motorbike hire

Cars hired in the Republic of Cyprus often have no insurance cover in the north of the island. Check with your insurance company as you will not be allowed through a crossing without the correct insurance documents. At some crossing points it is possible to buy car insurance for the north of Cyprus. This includes the Agios Dometios.

Hire companies renting mopeds and quad bikes usually only provide third-party insurance, so you will have to pay for any damage to the vehicle. If you do not pay, you could be arrested.

If you hire a vehicle, check:

  • it is in good condition and roadworthy
  • it has appropriate safety equipment

Rental companies often ask for your passport as a deposit, which is illegal. Never hand over your passport in this way.

Extreme weather and natural disasters

The Department of Meteorology of Cyprus issues warnings for severe weather, especially during summer. Weather can sometimes cause travel disruption. Monitor local and international updates and severe weather warnings from the Cyprus Department of Meteorology, and check with your travel provider if necessary. Always follow the advice of local authorities.

Find out what you can do to prepare for and respond to extreme weather and natural hazards.


Wildfires often occur during the summer months due to dry and hot weather.

Wildfires are dangerous and unpredictable. Take care when visiting or driving through woodland areas. Put out cigarette ends properly, and do not light barbecues outside of designated areas. If you see a fire, call the emergency services on 112 or 1407.

Get more information on wildfires from the Department of Forests website.


Cyprus experiences earthquakes and tremors. Make sure you know safety procedures and follow advice given by the local authorities.